I am currently working on animating the results of a database query using jQuery.
My goal is to have it display similar to Soh Tanaka's web tutorial example, where the element expands when hovered over and fills the parent element when clicked.
I was thinking of utilizing z-index to position the expanding element above the others, but I want it to expand based on its current placement on the page.
Hovered element selection inspired by Soh Tanaka's tutorial
This element will animate and expand differently
The final position of the element after the animation
In the enlarged box, the image should stay in the top left corner while more details fade in after the animation is complete.
It would be great if users could click a back button to reverse the animation. Perhaps this could be achieved with an overlay like a lightbox so that the other elements don't need to move out of the way for the selected element to animate.
Looking forward to hearing some suggestions!