Creating dynamic dropdown lists that automatically apply the active class to the chosen option

Here is the JSTL tags code I am using:

<ul class="megamenu skyblue">
 <!--1st level of categories  -->
 <c:forEach var="item1" items="${shoppingCart.categories}">
  <li id="headerCategory" class="grid" style="border-right: 1px solid #e5edec;">
   <a  class="inactive color1" href="#">${}</a>
   <div class="megapanel">
    <div class="row">
     <fmt:parseNumber var="i" type="number" value="${}" />
     <c:forEach var="item2" items="${shoppingCart.subcategories}">
      <c:if test="${}">
       <div class="col1">
        <div class="h_nav">
          <a href="#" onclick="dispProductCategoryWise('${}','${}')">${}</a>
          <fmt:parseNumber var="j" type="number" value="${}" />
          <c:forEach var="item3" items="${shoppingCart.subcategories}">
           <c:if test="${}">
             <a href="#" >
     <%-- <img src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}${item1.image}" alt=""/> --%>

Here is my JavaScript code:

$(document).on('click', '#headerCategory', function(){
    $('a.inactive').toggleClass('inactive active');
    //$(this).toggleClass('active inactive');

And here is the CSS:

.skyblue li{
    color: #ffffff;
.skyblue li a.inactive{
    color: 0;

When running the above code, all dropdown menus are active. However, I want only the selected dropdown to be highlighted.

Please assist me in highlighting the selected dropdown list.

Answer №1

I haven't personally tried this out, but you could give it a shot:

$(document).on('click', '#headerCategory', function(e){
    $('inactive active');

If that solution doesn't do the trick, you may need to approach your event handler setup in a different way:

$('#headerCategory a').on('click', function(){
    $(this).toggleClass('inactive active');

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