Difficulty arises in designing a tableless layout due to the issue of auto

Wondering why my page is not expanding with its content? Check out my demo on Fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/msas3/. The light blue area should determine the overall height of the page.

Answer №1

When your columns are set to float, they do not affect the height of the parent container, causing the pageContainer to not properly adjust to the content's height.

This issue has been discussed extensively, with one particularly helpful resource offering a solution and explanation: http://www.example.com/KB/HTML/easily_understood.aspx

To be candid, I find using a table to be a simpler solution, as it requires less positioning and allows me to focus on actual content creation.

Answer №2

Your specificity with CSS is overly focused. Avoid setting height: 100% without necessity, as it will inherit 100% of the parent's height.

If you need a straightforward solution, refer to this link: http://jsfiddle.net/msas3/1/

I have eliminated the declarations for height, width, and min-height on elements html, body, and #pageContainer.

(If there is indeed a specific requirement for specifying the height, please provide details so that an alternative solution can be explored.)

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