Struggling with CSS, seeking improvements to align with my previous coding style

After spending a considerable amount of time working on my game, I made the decision to change my navigation bars to buttons. However, I'm facing issues while trying to finalize the style that I had previously.

Here is the old code fiddle:

And here is the new code that I believe is almost complete: Unfortunately, I am struggling with getting the last few elements to work properly. The tab-container and similar components are giving me trouble, and I'm not sure what tweaks they need to function correctly.

The desired outcome is to replicate the styling of my first fiddle in the second one. While it's too much to detail here, I can share the CSS for both designs.

Old CSS:

(old CSS code)

Beginning of the new CSS that will be used once completed:

(new CSS code)

I anticipate that the second fiddle will mirror the CSS style of my first fiddle. I understand that navbars translate to lists of links, so the adjustments I've made should be effective. The active tab is intended to be white, while inactive tabs should appear blue. Despite being close to my old style, the current output isn't quite there yet. Any assistance in fixing my CSS would be greatly appreciated, as this issue has been bothering me for a few months now.

Answer №1

To implement the desired style in your code, make sure to include the following CSS:

#exTab3 .nav-pills>>a,
#exTab3 .nav-pills>>a:hover,
#exTab3 .nav-pills>>a:focus {
    background-color: #fff !important;

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