Creating dynamic animations for ui-view elements without relying on the position:

In my Angular application, I have set up the following structure:

    <div ui-view></div>

My ui-view utilizes animate.css for bouncing in and out of the screen. The issue I am facing is that during animation, two instances of <div ui-view> are stacked on top of each other, causing the first instance to be pushed down. Most solutions recommend using position: absolute, but since the height of ui-view is unknown beforehand and there is a <footer> below <div ui-view> that needs to be displayed, this approach cannot be used.

I want the animation to function as intended, with the <footer> appearing below the content:

Is there a way to achieve this without relying on position: absolute? Alternatively, how can I make sure that my <footer> displays properly?

Answer №1

In case you're curious, I came up with a solution using a directive that adjusts the height of the parent container to match the ui-view every time the state changes:

myApp.directive("adjustParentHeight", ["$document", "$window", function($document, $window) {
    return {
        restrict: "A",
        link: function($scope, element) {
            // Flag to track if the directive has loaded previously
            var hasLoaded;
            // DOM representation of the Angular element
            var domElement = element[0];
            $scope.$on("$stateChangeSuccess", function() {
                // Retrieve the computed height of the ui-view and set it as the directive element's height
       = $window.getComputedStyle($document[0].querySelector("[ui-view]")).height;
                // Add a class after the first height change to enable animations going forward
                if(!hasLoaded) {
                    hasLoaded = true;

Additionally, I included an animation for the content-wrapper's height so that it smoothly adjusts along with the bounce effect: {
    height: 0;
    transition: height 0.6s ease-in-out;

Check out the Updated Fiddle

Answer №2

One potential solution is to eliminate position:absolute and instead use the following CSS code:

[ui-view].ng-leave {
   -webkit-animation: fadeOutDown 1s;

Keep in mind that the disappearing element will be hidden right away:

View the DEMO

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