Exploring Angular 4: A deep dive into routing and ensuring responsiveness

I set up an ubuntu server on AWS and most things are running smoothly, but there are a couple of issues that have me stumped.

  1. When visiting my web app, you can only interact with the buttons in the menu. Trying to access a link like 'mypage/items' results in a HTTP 404 Error. However, if you click on the Home bookmark, you'll notice that it appends /items to the url. Despite having all routes defined in my app.module, the issue persists:

              { path: 'items', component: ItemListComponent},
              { path: 'guide', component: GuideComponent},
              { path: 'history', component: HistoryComponent},
              { path: 'sign-up', component: SignUpComponent},
              { path: 'login', component: LoginComponent},
              { path: '', component: ItemListComponent}

    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
          <li routerLinkActive="active current"><a routerLink="/items">Home</a></li>
          <li routerLinkActive="active current"><a routerLink="/guide">Poradnik</a></li>
          <li routerLinkActive="active current"><a routerLink="/history">Historia</a></li>

  2. Can anyone provide tips on how to make the table at the Home bookmark responsive? It doesn't look good when viewed on mobile devices.

Answer №1

In order to ensure that all requests to your web app are redirected to index.html, you will need to configure the web server accordingly. For detailed instructions on how to set this up, you can refer to this link: https://angular.io/guide/deployment

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