Images are appearing misaligned in certain sections

I have been utilizing the freewall jQuery plugin for organizing images in my website. While the layout of my first section, located at , is functioning properly, I am encountering some issues with its height. The code snippet that I am currently using is as follows:

 var wall = new freewall(".leadership-desktop");
        selector: '.image-block',
        animate: true,
        onResize: function () {

However, the layout does not seem to be working correctly on other sections.

Answer №1

Your current CSS styles are conflicting with two different themes, causing issues with the control of your freewall plugin.

To resolve this, it's recommended to ensure that the outer category section has a "position:relative", and to avoid negative impacts of theme styles on the panels. Additionally, consider optimizing your image sizes as suggested by @enguerranws. Images should be sized appropriately for your website dimensions.

For further improvement, learning from online CSS tutorials can greatly enhance your web creation skills. Understanding how CSS affects page layout will make the process easier and more enjoyable. Start with resources like and explore additional tutorials such as .

We hope these suggestions guide you in the right direction. Providing a detailed list of corrections wouldn't be as beneficial as understanding the principles behind them. :)

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