Creating a website with a responsive design that perfectly adapts to different screen sizes, starting with my 1920x1080

've been working on designing a website using Dreamweaver CS6, and during this process, I encountered some challenges. Initially, I set everything up based on hard pixel values for div and image sizes, but realized that this caused severe breaks in the layout when viewed on smaller screens or different resolutions. The page would overlap and look unappealing in various views such as Desktop, Tablet, and Phone within Dreamweaver.

Now, I plan to redesign the layout with more flexibility by using div wrapping and media queries. However, the task seems overwhelming. Should I consider adopting a Fluid Grid layout? Would it be easier to start a new project with a Fluid Grid layout and transfer everything over?

My current approach is to divide the index html into 3 divs (one for top-left, one for top-right, and one for main content) and build from there.

Answer №1

If you're looking to enhance your learning experience, my recommendation would be to begin anew. Since your primary goal is to learn, starting from scratch with a focus on creating a responsive design would provide more valuable insights compared to attempting to adapt an existing design.

In my experience, transitioning from a fixed-width layout to a responsive one can prove to be challenging for complex designs. Starting fresh and incorporating responsiveness into the initial planning stages tends to yield better results. For beginners, trying to retrofit a fixed-width layout might lead to endless property tweaks without a clear understanding of why certain changes work or don't work, ultimately hindering the learning process.

Answer №2

Following Lie Ryan's advice, my recommendation is to start fresh. Although it may seem daunting given all the hard work you've already put in, attempting to fix a flawed foundation will only result in more unnecessary complexity. In the end, you'll be left feeling overwhelmed with a shaky website that might look fine at first glance, but one small error could cause everything to crumble.

I liken this situation to arranging a room. You begin putting things in place, only to realize the bed blocks the desk, you forgot about wanting a piano, there's no space for yoga, and reaching the dry erase board on the wall is impossible because of the dresser obstructing it - the list goes on.

You have two options: try to make do with what's already there by moving things around, adding new elements, and cluttering the space even further. Or, clear out the room completely, visualize a better layout, and gradually reintroduce each item in a cohesive way taking into account everything you missed the first time around.

The same principle applies to your website. Restart the design process armed with the knowledge gained from the initial version. I assure you, your code will be neater, the site will look and function better, and future updates will be simpler.

When starting afresh, consider the smallest screen size possible. Ensure your site looks good at 320px width before expanding and adding breakpoints along the way to achieve full responsiveness.

In a recent article titled 7 Habits of Highly Effective Media Queries, the author quotes Stephen Hay on effective responsive design: "Start with the small screen first, then expand until it looks like shit. Time for a breakpoint!" This highlights the simplicity of the approach.

Finally, prioritize using pure CSS over WYSIWYG editors. While editors are convenient, having a strong grasp of coding will serve you much better in the long run.

Answer №3

Consider approaching your website design like an architect planning a building with sliding walls in mind from the start, rather than adding them on as an afterthought. Imagine the imbalance of constructing a house with fixed walls first, only to later realize the need for adaptability.

A responsive website shouldn't be viewed as an additional layer onto an existing fixed-width framework. It should serve as the foundation of your project right from the beginning.

Begin with a fluid grid layout, identify breakpoints when your design begins to struggle, and educate yourself by exploring various articles and best practices for responsive web design.

I highly recommend diving into the work of Brad Frost at to gain valuable insights and guidance.

Best of luck!

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