Creating a toggle button for a div element to expand and collapse its content: Step-by-step guide

For my e-commerce site selling musical instruments, I'm designing a product landing page that showcases guitars, keyboards, violins, and cellos. As part of the design, I want to include expandable sections with detailed information about each instrument.

To achieve this, I have added specific styling and functionality using CSS code snippets for each instrument category - guitar, keyboard, violin, and cello. Each section includes a brief description, an image, and a link for more information.

The challenge I'm facing is implementing a "show more" button below the keyboard section, which would reveal additional content when clicked. Despite searching for solutions online, I haven't been able to find a suitable answer yet.

Answer №1

@Alok Marathe, kindly review the code below for your specific issue. Many resources on stackoverflow can provide insight into how to implement a show more functionality. Examples with working solutions are available for reference.

For additional details, please refer to this Stack Overflow link and examine the provided code snippet:


jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {

    // This will execute upon page load when the document is ready
    if ($('.product-info-box').length > 2) {

    $('.showmore button').on('click', function () {
        // Toggle elements with class that have an index greater than 2
        // Change text of show more element for demonstration purposes
        $(this).text() === 'Show less' ? $(this).text('Show more') : $(this).text('Show less');

/* Sample CSS - No implementation needed */
* {
    box-sizing: border-box;

body {
    margin: 0;

/* Your CSS Styles Here */

.product_info_scroll {    
    /* Fixed div height */

.showmore {
    text-align: center;
<script src=""></script>
<section id="product-info" class="product-info">
        <b>Instruments our brand serves: </b>
        <div class="product_info_scroll">
            <div class="guitar product-info-box">
                <div id="guitarbox">
                    <div id="guitarcontent">
                        <p>Description here...</p>
                    <div id="guitarimg">
                        <a href="" target="_blank">
                            <img src="/images/electric-guitar.jpg" width="500px">

            <div class="keyboard product-info-box">
                <div id="keyboardbox">
                    <div id="keyboardcontent">
                        <p>Description here...</p>
                    <div id="keyboardimg">
                        <a href="" target="_blank">
                            <img src="/images/keyboard2.png" width="500px">

            <div class="violin product-info-box">
                <div id="violinbox">
                    <div id="violincontent">
                        <p>Description here...</p>
                    <div id="violinimg">
                        <a href="" target="_blank">
                            <img src="/images/violin.jpg" width="500px">

            <div class="cello product-info-box">
                <div id="cellobox">
                    <div id="cellocontent">
                        <p>Description here...</p>
                    <div id="celloimg">
                        <a href="" target="_blank">
                            <img src="/images/cello2.jpeg" width="500px">


        <div class="showmore">
            <button type="button">Show More</button>

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