Could jQuery and CSS be utilized for image enlargement?

Is it possible for jQuery (or CSS!) to detect an area around the mouse when hovering over an image, capture the image underneath, and then zoom in on that area?

This concept differs from typical jQuery zoom effects where there are two separate images - small and large. Instead of using a complex algorithm to determine the mouse's position relative to the small image, this method would utilize a sophisticated algorithm to grab the region surrounding the mouse and enlarge it!

If there is a plugin available that can achieve this, that would be fantastic. If not, I'm curious if it's feasible to:

a. Capture the screen around the mouse using jQuery/JavaScript/CSS/HTML5?
b. Zoom in on a captured image using jQuery?

Answer №1

Once upon a time, I crafted a piece of code designed to create a "zoom" effect for thumbnail images in a slideshow:

$(function () {
    $('#container-id').bind('mousewheel', function (event, delta) {
        var sc = $.data(this, 'scale');
        if ((delta == 1 && sc < 5) || (delta == -1 && sc > 1)) {
            sc += delta;
            $.data(this, 'scale', sc);
                WebkitTransform : 'scale(' + sc + ')',
                   MozTransform : 'scale(' + sc + ')',
                    MsTransform : 'scale(' + sc + ')',
                     OTransform : 'scale(' + sc + ')',
                      Transform : 'scale(' + sc + ')'
    }).bind('mousemove', function (event) {
        //only run the code if the thumbnail is zoomed in, otherwise there is no point in doing these calculations
        var sc = $.data(this, 'scale') || 1;//scale
        if (sc > 1) {
            var $this = $(this),
                X  = (typeof(event.offsetX) == 'undefined') ? (event.pageX - $this.offset().left) : (event.offsetX),//current cursor X position in bullet element
                Y  = (typeof(event.offsetY) == 'undefined') ? (event.pageY - $this.offset().top) : (event.offsetY),//current cursor Y position in bullet element
                w  = 100,//width of a thumbnail
                h  = 100,//height of a thumbnail
                nX = ((w / 2) - X),//new X
                nY = ((h / 2) - Y),//new Y
                tf = 'translate(' + (nX * (sc - 1)) + 'px, ' + (nY * (sc - 1)) + 'px) scale(' + sc + ')';//transform string
                WebkitTransform : tf,
                   MozTransform : tf,
                    MsTransform : tf,
                     OTransform : tf,
                      Transform : tf
    }).bind('mouseleave', function () {
        //reset .has-thumb element on mouseleave
        $.data(this, 'scale', 5);
            WebkitTransform : 'translate(0, 0) scale(1)',
               MozTransform : 'translate(0, 0) scale(1)',
                MsTransform : 'translate(0, 0) scale(1)',
                 OTransform : 'translate(0, 0) scale(1)',
                  Transform : 'translate(0, 0) scale(1)'
    $.data($('#container-id')[0], 'scale', 5);

If you are interested in exploring this code further, feel free to reach out for additional documentation. Keep in mind that this code heavily relies on the CSS3 transform property, which may require extra considerations for older browser support.

Feel free to check out a demo of this functionality here:

Here's some sample HTML structure to implement the code:

<div id="container-id">
    <img src="..." />

To complete the setup, include the following CSS styling:

#container-id {
    width  : 100px;
    height : 100px;
    overflow : hidden;
#container-id img {
    width  : 100px;
    height : 100px;

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