Creating a dynamic dropdown menu using jQuery animation

I am looking to add animation to my top navigation bar.

Currently, the dropdown menus just appear suddenly when hovering over the links in the top nav.

Development site:

I have attempted the following:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

The structure of my HTML is similar to this:

<ul id="nav">
   <li class="has-drop-down">
     <a href="#" class="has-drop-down-a">Search</a>
       <div class="drop">...</div>

I would like the div with the class "drop" to animate downwards instead of appearing instantly.


The following code is partially successful - however there are two issues: 1) You need to hover over the link once before it will work. 2) When moving the mouse down over the drop menu, it collapses.

        jQuery('body').ready(function() {

Answer №1

If you take a closer look at the website documentation located at In the latest version 1.4.3, there are additional options available for your function. Rather than just using:


You now have the ability to include more parameters:

jQuery(this).children('.drop').slideDown( [duration ] [, easing ] [, complete ] )

Answer №2

Your code looks great overall, but one minor issue I see is that the 'div drop' should be placed inside the 'a' element for proper structure.

Here's how it should look:

<ul id="nav">
    <li class="has-drop-down">
        <a href="#" class="has-drop-down-a">Search
            <div class="drop">...</div>



In response to the two issues:

1) Ensure the initial state of the dropdown is collapsed by adding this line:


inside the document ready function.

2) My recommendation is to follow my advice and place the 'div' inside the 'a' tag and use children instead of siblings for smoother animations.

By animating just one object (the 'a'), you achieve a better effect as demonstrated in the provided website example.

Additionally, I made some CSS adjustments to create a seamless connection between the 'a' and 'div' elements.

Complete javascript code:

jQuery('body').ready(function () {

        function () {

        function () {

HTML structure:

<ul id="nav">
    <li class="has-drop-down"> <a href="#" class="has-drop-down-a">
            <div class="drop">...</div>


Update CSS:

.drop {

Test the updated jsFiddle here:

I hope these changes address your query effectively.

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