Creating a dropdown menu with HTML and CSS is causing me a major migraine

<div class="fbtop">
  <img src="" title="Pieke Wieke" alt="Pieke Wieke">
  <h2 class="title">Handcrafted with love</h2>

  <ul class="dropdown">
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Here is a traditional dropdown menu created using CSS. To view its functionality, you can visit

However, there seems to be an issue with the menu. When selecting the first item "Sewing Supplies," the first sub-menu item should appear in red but shows up as white instead.

A similar problem occurs when clicking on "Fabrics" and then selecting the "Cotton" sub-menu.

Interestingly, changing all the links to relative URLs resolves the issue and displays all items in red color as intended.

I'm puzzled by what could be causing this strange behavior. Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. This has been tested on Chrome. P.P.S. Changing the URLs to anything other than their current format seems to eliminate the problem. Quite bizarre indeed...

Answer №1

Take a look at this snippet of code:

ul.navbar li a:visited,
ul.navbar li a:hover

This particular piece of code is specifically changing the color of visited links to white.

The reason behind this change in color when using a relative URL is due to the fact that the browser no longer recognizes it as a visited link, since it is a different path.

Answer №2

I recently uncovered the culprit, all thanks to Andy for guiding me in the right direction:

ul.dropdown ul li a:hover,
ul.dropdown ul li a:active,
ul.dropdown ul li a:link             {color: #e10707; }

Andy pointed out that the links appearing white were actually links affected by the :visited attribute set as #fff or white :)

In the previous code block, one state was overlooked – the a:visited color wasn't being defined as red, which is why it remained white.

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