Creating a counter for a list using CSS

I am attempting to utilize the counter increment feature in CSS for my ordered list, but it doesn't seem to be functioning properly.

Here is the desired format I want to achieve:

1. Acknowledgements
   1.1 blah, blah ....
   1.2 blah, blah ....
   1.3 blah, blah ....

2. Risk Statement
   2.1 blah, blah ....
   2.2 blah, blah ....
   2.3 blah, blah ....

3. License
   3.1 blah, blah ....
   3.2 blah, blah ....
   3.3 blah, blah ....

However, this is the current output...

Answer №1

Check out this JSFiddle demo!

You were almost there:

body {
    counter-reset: listCounter;
ol {
    counter-increment: listCounter;
    counter-reset: itemCounter;
    counter-increment: itemCounter;
li:before {
    content: counter(listCounter) "." counter(itemCounter);

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