Create a login form on the left side of the modal using Bootstrap

Currently working on a project utilizing Bootstrap. Within the project, I have a login form that pops up when clicking the "Sign In" button. You can view the image here:

I am looking to position the login form to the left and display it within a modal window. The complete HTML for this project can be found here: Feel free to use this HTML to check out my project.

Question: How do I move the login form to the left? My goal is to showcase the login form within a modal window.

Answer №1

When initializing your modal, pay close attention to the code below:

<div class="content" style="padding-top:20px">

The content class sets a padding of 20px. Instead of modifying this class directly, consider creating a new one with specific padding options. In addition, make sure to adjust the layout using appropriate Row and Column classes for optimal display.

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