Crafting an animated experience using the SX attribute in Material-UI version 5

Currently, I am working on developing an animated spinner using SVG as a loader. After browsing online, I came across examples that utilize Styled Components for this purpose; however, it seems that approach is no longer supported.

Do any of you have alternative suggestions or solutions for achieving this animation effect? I attempted to incorporate the '@keyframes spin' property into my SX code, as shown below:

 animation: '$test 1s linear infinite',
 '@keyframes spin': {
   from: {
    transform: 'rotate(0dg)'
   to: {
    transform: 'rotate(360dg)'

Despite my efforts, I was unable to create a successful animation using the SX property in MUI v5, following a similar logic to Styled Components.

I am curious if there is a way to achieve this animation effect without relying on CSS files and classes...

Answer №1

I have found that with MUI5, adding keyframes to SX props works perfectly fine. Here is an example:

            <Box sx={{
                "@keyframes width-increase": {
                    "0%": {
                        width: "100px"
                    "100%": {
                        width: "300px"
                width: "100px",
                height: "50px",
                backgroundColor: "red",
                animation: "width-increase 1s ease infinite",

Remember to initialize the keyframes before using them.

I hope this explanation helps you out...

Answer №2

The name of your @keyframe is "spin", but you forgot to use it when assigning properties to your animation. Simply replacing $test with "spin" should resolve the issue.

 animation: 'spin 1s linear infinite',
 '@keyframes spin': {
   from: { transform: 'rotate(0dg)' },
   to: { transform: 'rotate(360dg)' }

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