Can I use a custom font in an HTML5 canvas?

Has anyone had success importing a custom font for use in HTML5 canvas? I've been trying to do this by loading the font file on my computer, but all my attempts have failed so far. The canvas keeps showing the default font instead of the one I want to use. It seems like there might be a step or process that I'm missing.

Currently, I am attempting to load the font with CSS:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'RifficFree-Bold';
    src: local('RifficFree-Bold'), url(./fonts/RifficFree-Bold.ttf), format('truetype');

Then, I call the font in JavaScript like this:

function drawText(myText, ctx) {
    ctx.font = "40px RifficFree-Bold";
    ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0, 0, 0, " + myText.fill + ")";
    ctx.fillText(myText.text, myText.x, myText.y);

I can confirm that the program is recognizing the font because changing the font size value actually affects the displayed text. This leads me to believe that maybe the font file itself is not being loaded correctly. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Answer №1

The unique font-face fonts are only loaded when they are actively used, as discussed in more detail in a related question. This means that when you run your drawText function, the font will not start loading until after ctx.fillText has been called, by which point the text will have already been rendered using the default font.

If you want to ensure the font is pre-loaded, there are two methods you can use:

  1. Place a hidden div with some text in the desired custom font on any part of the page (this div can be removed once the font loads).

  2. Alternatively, if you prefer not to modify the HTML or need to load multiple fonts, you can create a simple function for loading fonts:

    function _loadFont(fontname){
        var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
        //Setting dimensions may not be necessary
        canvas.width = 16;
        canvas.height = 16;
        var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
        //Attaching the canvas is unnecessary,
        //the browser will load the active font upon calling fillText
        //For multiple custom fonts, simply draw each one here
        ctx.font = "4px "+fontname;
        ctx.fillText("text", 0, 8);

    Call this function before utilizing the font, ensuring it is loaded and ready when needed.

Answer №2

The issue in the example provided appears to be the placement of the comma (,) between the url and format parameters. It is important for the format to directly follow the url:

src: local('RifficFree-Bold'), url(./fonts/RifficFree-Bold.ttf) format('truetype');

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