Could CSS alone achieve this sub menu position?

Sorry for the lack of clarity in my question, I am struggling to come up with a concise description.

I am currently working on creating a drop-down menu using unordered lists, which is structured like this....

<ul id="menu">
    <li>Menu Item</li>
    <li>Menu Item
        <ul class="sub-menu">
            <li>Sub Menu Item</li>        
            <li>Sub Menu Item</li>
    <li>Menu Item</li>

My concern is whether it is possible to achieve the desired positioning behavior (I believe images would help clarify).

Case 1

The sub-menu should be centered within its parent list item, even if it is wider than the parent.

Case 2

The sub-menu needs to be centered, but there may not be enough space on the left side of the root list, causing it to align with the edge.

Case 3

Similar to Case 2, but this time the issue is with the right edge.

I believe these scenarios can be solved by tackling two challenging CSS problems.

  1. How to center a sub-menu within its container, regardless of size difference.
  2. How to ensure the submenu stays within the boundaries of the root list element.

Due to time constraints, I will implement this functionality in Javascript. However, I am curious about achieving this solely through CSS for future projects.

You can experiment with a JSFiddle here if you have any ideas.

Answer №1

Check out this link for a helpful example

A new approach is to wrap your submenus in a div, allowing you to easily position them using the text-align property.

To customize the appearance of the submenu background, consider removing the gray background and adding a background color only to the ul inside the div.submenu.

The concept involves utilizing a div that spans the width of your main menu to contain the submenu. By manipulating the display inline with the text-align property, you can align the submenu to the left, center, or right within the available space.


Explore this updated option here

This revised solution accommodates a larger number of menu items compared to the previous version. To achieve this, we specify a submenu three times the width of a single menu item (in this case, 300% wide) and center it by applying a negative left margin equivalent to one menu item width (-100%). The list items within the submenu are horizontally centered using a similar method as before.

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