Correcting the 1 pixel spacing issue in 3 containers each with a width of 33.333%

It is difficult to articulate, but I am noticing a 1 pixel line with 3 containers each having a width of 33.3333%. Unfortunately, this is not something I can change as it is part of the material-ui framework.

<div class="container">
    <div class="panel" style="width:width of 33.3333%">
        <!-- Content here -->
    <div class="panel" style="width:width of 33.3333%">
        <!-- Content here -->
    <div class="panel" style="width:width of 33.3333%">
        <!-- Content here -->

Even when I try adjusting the width to 25% or 50%, the issue persists as shown in the image below where I have highlighted the mysterious pixel line in red.

This problem arises specifically with the usage of material-ui elements like <gridList>, <GridItem>, and <Cards>.


Even attempting a distribution of 33.33 / 33.33 / 33.34 does not resolve the perplexing 1px gap issue!

Answer №1

There is a clear distinction between 33.333 and 1/3, leading to potential rounding discrepancies. To mitigate this, it is advisable to opt for whole number values (such as 33, 33, 34) to streamline the rounding process for the layout engine.

Answer №2


.box .card:last-child{

Answer №3

To address this issue, consider implementing flex as a potential solution, while also incorporating a fallback support for float to accommodate older web browsers.

An alternative approach could involve specifying the width of one of the time elements as 33.3334% (although not universally effective, as there have been instances where using width: 100% resulted in undesired gaps).

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