Centering navigation using HTML5

I've been struggling a bit trying to build a website, particularly with centering my <nav> tag. Despite reading numerous suggestions like using CSS properties such as margin: 0 auto; or text-align: center, nothing seems to be working for me.

Since my CSS file isn't functioning properly, I'll just include the HTML code here:

    <ul class="nav nav-pills">
        <li class="active"><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="about.html">About</a></li>
        <li><a href="jobs.html">Jobs</a></li>
        <li><a href="contactus.html">Contact us</a></li>

As you can see, I am using Bootstrap and all I want is to center it on the page.

Answer №1

There are numerous ways to achieve this, but here is a simple method that only requires three things:

  • display: block;
  • width - specify a value in pixels or percentage
  • margin: auto; - top and bottom margins can be adjusted as needed

It's important to note that <nav> is typically rendered as a block-level element by default in most browsers, so the first line of the CSS code may not always be necessary unless dealing with older versions like IE 8.

Below is an example showcasing how this can be implemented:

nav {
  display: block;
  width: 150px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  <ul class="nav nav-pills">
    <li class="active"><a href="index.html">Home</a>
    <li><a href="about.html">About</a>
    <li><a href="jobs.html">Jobs</a>
    <li><a href="contactus.html">Contact us</a>

Answer №2

Looking to achieve a specific layout? Here are a couple of options:

header {text-align:center;}
header nav {display:inline-block;}
header nav ul li {display:inline-block;}

Another approach could be:

header {text-align:center;}
header nav {display:inline-block;text-align:left;}

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