Converting CSS properties to MaterialUI Styles in ReactJS: A step-by-step guide

In my CSS, I've included the following code:


This snippet allows me to display a placeholder inside a content-editable div when it is empty. Since I am using Material-UI Styles, I need to do something similar in my styles:

const styles = theme => ({
  div[contentEditable=true]:empty:not(:focus):before: {

Do you have any suggestions on how I can achieve this? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Answer №1

If you're looking to specify the class directly on the div (editableDiv) or on an ancestor element (container), there are a couple of syntax options available. The key distinction between the two lies in the presence of a space after & when targeting descendants.

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/core/styles";

const useStyles = makeStyles({
  container: {
    "& [contentEditable=true]:empty:not(:focus):before": {
      content: "attr(data-text)"
  editableDiv: {
    "&[contentEditable=true]:empty:not(:focus):before": {
      content: "attr(data-text)"
function App() {
  const classes = useStyles();
  return (
      <div className={classes.container}>
        <div contentEditable data-text="Click here to edit div 1" />
        <div contentEditable data-text="Click here to edit div 2" />
        data-text="Click here to edit div 3"

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

For further reference, check out this documentation:

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