Determine the currently active view on a mobile device

I am trying to determine whether the user is viewing the website vertically or horizontally on their mobile device or iPad in order to adjust the image scale accordingly.

For example:

If the user is viewing the page horizontally, I want the image style to be set as follows:

img{width:100%; height:auto;}

But if the user is viewing the page vertically, the CSS for the image should be:

img{width:auto; height:100%;}

How can I achieve this functionality using jQuery, JavaScript, media queries, or any other method so that I can apply the appropriate style based on the user's viewing orientation on their mobile or iPad?

Thank you.

Answer №1

If you want to determine the orientation using JavaScript, you can implement the following script:

    window.onorientationchange = detectOrientation;
    function detectOrientation(){
        if(typeof window.onorientationchange != 'undefined'){
            if ( orientation == 0 ) {
                 //Execute code for Portrait Mode
            else if ( orientation == 90 ) {
                 //Execute code for Landscape Mode
            else if ( orientation == -90 ) {
                 //Execute code for Landscape Mode
            else if ( orientation == 180 ) {
                 //Execute code for Landscape Mode

Snippet obtained from

Answer №2

Have you considered implementing responsive CSS with specific breakpoints?

Here's an example:

@media screen and (max-width: 123px /* adjust as needed */ ) {
  img{width:auto; height:100%;}

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