Connecting images - XHTML/CSS

Is it better to use XHTML or CSS for linking a small image?

Answer №1

When deciding whether to use css or xhtml for displaying an image, the key factor to consider is the purpose of the image. If the image is intended for decorative or background purposes, then utilizing css is the way to go. However, if the image serves a functional role such as being a thumbnail that links to a larger version, then it's best to opt for an xhtml img element.

For a purely presentational approach:

a.imageLink {
    background: transparent url(path/to/image/relative/to/css/file.css) 0 0 no-repeat;

<a href="#" class="imageLink">Link to something</a>

For a semantic and practical usage within the xhtml document:

<a href="/path/to/larger/version.png">
    <img src="path/to/thumbnail.png" alt="this is a thumbnail of a larger, wonderful, image that you should go see!" />

Answer №2

When creating a hyperlink with an image, it is important to utilize XHTML and CSS for styling.


<a href="" >
  <img src="path/to/image.png" alt="Remember to include your alt tags" />


a img{
  border: 0

CSS should be reserved for images that are purely decorative, such as page backgrounds, borders, or button backgrounds.


Answer №3

CSS is commonly used for styling images that are incorporated into the overall theme or design of a website. In cases where the image stands alone, HTML alone may suffice.

I trust this information proves beneficial.

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