Why is the child's CSS hover not functioning when the body has an event listener attached to it?

Check out the repository link here: https://codepen.io/Jaycethanks/pen/WNJqdWB

I am trying to achieve a parallax effect on the body and image container, as well as a scale-up effect on images when hovered over. However, the hover functionality is not working as expected. The body has an event listener attached.

  <div class="box">
    <div class="inner-box">
      <!-- prettier-ignore -->
      <div class="items-wrapper">
        <div class="box-item">
          <img src:'xxx'/>

.box-item:hover {
  transform: scale(1.5) translateZ(50px);
  transition: 0.1s all ease;
  body.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => {
    const { pageX, pageY } = e;
    setPointerPosition(pageX, pageY);
    const [xCent, yCent] = computedPointerPositionPercent(pageX, pageY, 12);
    // 50 is based on background-position: 50% 50% for changes

    body.style.backgroundPosition = `${xCent + 50}% ${yCent + 50}%`;

Answer №1

After removing the body.addEventListener code, everything started working as expected. It seems that the issue was related to always hovering over centerPointerDot.

Instead of using body.addEventListener solely for changing the cursor image, consider achieving the same effect using CSS and the cursor property:

body.custom-cursor {
  cursor:url(http://www.example.com/custom-cursor.gif), auto;

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