The issue of children inside a parent div not respecting the height value set to 100% when the parent div has a min

My goal is to adjust the height of children elements within a parent div that has a min-height of 100%. I want the wrapper's height to dynamically adjust based on the content it contains. When I set the min-height to 100%, the wrapper expands according to the content, but the sidebar and sidebar-tanks collapse to the height of their respective content. I would like them to occupy around 98% of the total height of the parent wrapper.

If I set the height to 100% for the parent wrapper and 98% for the children sidebar and sidebar-tank, they expand as desired. However, the wrapper does not adjust its height according to the content inside the content div. Instead, the wrapper only extends up to the height of the browser window, causing overflow content to be hidden.


    <div class="wrapper">
        <div class="client-dasboard">

            <div class="sidebar">


            <div class="sidebar-tanks">


            <div class="content>



    position: relative;

        display: block;
        position: relative;
        height: 100%;
        overflow: hidden;
        width: 1168px;
        margin: 0px auto;
        background: #ececec;

            height: 98%;
            display: block;
            float: left;

            min-height: 100%;

Answer №1

Let's address the issue at hand:

.sidebar-tanks {
    height: 98%;
    display: block;
    float: left;

To solve this problem, consider adding an element to the sidebar's parent with a clear:both CSS property, and adjusting the float of the content to right or left. This simple adjustment could be beneficial.


If you wish to expand the children's height within their parent div, check out the technique known as flexbox. It shares similarities with what you need to do. You may also find this article on normalizing flexbox bugs helpful and easy to implement.

I trust that these suggestions will guide you in the right direction :)

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