Conceal the galleryView plugin seamlessly without the need for a

I have implemented jQuery on my webpage to load content without refreshing, displaying only the necessary information. Within the gallery section, there are links for "Other Photography" and "Nude Art". Clicking on these links initializes the gallery with the respective pictures. However, once one of the galleries is initialized, there is no way to hide it to make room for the other.

To distinguish between the two galleries, I created two ul li lists with images using the same id for CSS, but different classes.

<div id="underage">
  <ul class="galleryShow">

<div id="adult">
  <ul class="galleryShow">

Here is the jQuery code snippet:

$('#galleryButton').click(function() {
                $('.mainBody').slideUp().ready(function() {
                    $('#gallery').slideDown(600).ready(function() {

                            $('#otherPhotoButton').click(function() {

                                text: "Are you over 18?",
                                confirm: function(button) {
                                cancel: function(button) {
                                    window.location.href = "";
                                confirmButton: "Yes I am",
                                cancelButton: "No"

Answer №1

Unfortunately, the GalleryView plugin does not retain the ID when applied to elements.

To fix this issue, make a small adjustment to your HTML structure:

<div id="underage">
    <ul class="galleryShow">

<div id="adult">
    <ul class="galleryShow">

Below is the JavaScript code for your buttons that should now function correctly:

$('#otherPhotoButton').click(function() {
    if ($('#underage ul').length) {
        $('#underage ul').galleryView();
    text: 'Are you over 18?',
    confirm: function(button) {
        if ($('#adult ul').length) {
            $('#adult ul').galleryView();
    cancel: function(button) {
        window.location.href = '';
    confirmButton: 'Yes, I am',
    cancelButton: 'No'

Answer №2

Avoid using identical ids, update the class and id attributes for your <ul> elements as shown below:

<ul id="underage" class='galleryShow'>
<ul id="adult" class='galleryShow'>

Additionally, modify all CSS references from #galleryShow to .galleryShow.

If you are using the galleryView library, it might be altering the HTML structure after initialization. Consider sharing a code example on a platform like JSFiddle for further assistance.

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