Combining Content, Attr, and Url in a single statement

I've been utilizing the content attribute for quite some time now, but today I decided to explore something different. Instead of relying on JS to show an image tooltip, I was curious if it could be done dynamically using CSS.

So I attempted the following:

  content: url("../Img/Photo/"attr(id)".jpg"); 

where attr(id) is meant to output the alphanumeric ID (which is also the picture's name).

However, this method didn't produce any results - it simply did not work. It seems like the block wasn't parsing correctly as adding a border or background had no effect either.

Interestingly, when I used just attr(id) on its own without the URL component, everything functioned perfectly. Additionally, replacing attr(id) with the actual picture name also worked flawlessly.

After scouring the web for answers, I couldn't find anything relevant, so here I am. Is this a known bug or simply my mistake? :)

Answer №1

It is not a flaw or an error. The supported syntax for content in CSS2.1 is as follows:

content: normal | none | 
         [ <string> | <uri> | <counter> | attr() |
           open-quote | close-quote | no-open-quote | no-close-quote ]+ | inherit

In other words:

  • The exact values normal, none, or inherit

  • Or any combination of these in order:

    • a string - "hello"
    • a URL - url("image.jpg")
    • a counter - counter(section)
    • an attribute - attr(id)
    • open-quote, close-quote, no-open-quote, no-close-quote

The specifications do not allow for nesting, only consecutive use, for example:

content: "Photo: " url("../Img/Photo.jpg") attr(id);
/* This is not the desired result */

CSS3 drafts also do not permit this. Perhaps because most scenarios require actual content rather than presentation-related text.

Answer №2

Starting from the W3C Candidate Recommendation on August 28, 2012, there have been updates to the syntax for specifying the type returned by attr().

You can find more information about this update here.

In short, you can now use the following code:

content: attr(id url);

However, it still appears that you're unable to concatenate this with other strings, which can be frustrating.

Despite these changes, it seems that this feature has not yet been implemented widely.

To see the compatibility across browsers, refer to Browser compatibility

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