Finding the location of an "Apply" button on an Angular HTML page

There is an issue with the positioning of the apply button in the filter bar. Sometimes it displays in the next row instead of alongside the other filters. How can I determine the exact position of this apply button within the HTML page?

<div class="filter-container">
     <button (click)="apply() "
                    [ngClass]="{'a-btn--disabled': isDisable}" id ="apply"
                    mat-raised-button  >Apply

The apply button and other filters are contained within the

<div class="filter-container">
. This is the code for my component.

 const fpH = $('.apply').positionY;

However, when I try to log console.log(fpH);, it returns undefined. I also attempted using paddingRight but it too resulted in undefined.

What steps should I take to address this issue?

Answer №1

$('.apply') is used to search for an element with the class apply. It seems like you are trying to find an element with an id of class. If you want to target an element by its id, you should use the selector '#apply'. Therefore, in your case, replace $('.apply') with $('#apply').

It is recommended to make use of Angular's ViewChild to achieve what you are looking for.

Your HTML code should look something like this:

<div class="filter-container">
     <button #applyBtn (click)="apply() "
                    [ngClass]="{'a-btn--disabled': isDisable}" id ="apply"
                    mat-raised-button  >Apply

In your component file:

@ViewChild('applyBtn') applyBtn: ElementRef;

When you need to access the element in the component:


This will provide you with the position and size of your element.

Here is a sample stackblitz for reference.

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