Combining classes within LessCSS for nested functions

I'm struggling to get LessCSS to process a file with a series of nested rules using the "&" concatenation selectors.

For instance, the code below works fine:

.grey-table {
    background: #EDEDED;
    tr {
        th {
            background: #DEDEDE;
        td {
            color: #888;
        &:nth-child(odd) {
            td {
                background-color: #F9FCFF;
        &:nth-child(even) {
            td {
                background-color: #EDF5FF;
        &:hover {
            td {
                background-color: #DFEAF9;

But when I try to use colors as functions (either predefined or mixins), I receive an error message:

"Syntax Error on line 12 - undefined"

 .grey-table {
    background: desaturate(#EDEDED, 100%);
    tr {
        th {
            background: desaturate(#DEDEDE, 100%);
        td {
            color: desaturate(#888, 100%);
        &:nth-child(odd) {
            td {
                background-color: desaturate(#F9FCFF, 100%); <------ Line 12
        &:nth-child(even) {
            td {
                background-color: desaturate(#EDF5FF, 100%);
        &:hover {
            td {
                background-color: desaturate(#DFEAF9, 100%);

I have looked for solutions online but haven't found anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Answer №1

I typically start by defining the colors and then use them in the functions:

@mycolor: #F9FCFF;
desaturate(@mycolor, 100%);

Apologies, but there doesn't seem to be any issues with your code on the less page:

Try pasting it in (without your <---line 12) and you will see that it works. It's possible that some JavaScript on your page is interacting with the less script.

Edit: You also have a semicolon at the end that can cause problems with older versions (<=1.3.1) of the less parser. When removed, it parses correctly across all versions ... and I cannot reproduce the error you are facing.

Answer №2

It seems I overlooked the tab on line 12 right after the colon.

This simple mistake was actually causing the error, particularly when a less css mixin or variable was present. My apologies for any confusion caused.

Answer №3

My thoughts align with Martin's. I have attempted to replicate the error using the code provided above and the compiler available at . Upon testing, the only scenarios in which a syntax error message on line 12 appears are as follows:

  1. If the colon following the background-color property is removed.
  2. Including unrelated characters after the closing semi-colon (similar to your note <--- line 12, although this input is incorrect, it seems you added it for clarification).
  3. Placing an additional quotation mark after the color, percentage, or parenthesis. For example, (b) - 100%'. While there may be other characters causing the issue, some simply get displayed in the CSS without triggering a syntax error.
  4. Inserting an unintended character separated by a space or any other invalid character before the property name, such as y background-color or *background-color.

Your provided code does not contain any of the mentioned issues. However, I suggest revisiting your actual code to ensure there are no unnoticed or misplaced characters leading to the problem.

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