How can I display different divs based on a selected option?

I'm encountering difficulties while attempting to develop the code for this specific task. My goal is to display or hide divs based on the selection made in a select option, with a total of 4 options available.

There are 2 select elements

    <option value="value1">Value 1</option>
    <option value="value2">Value 2</option>

    <option value="value3">Value 3</option>
    <option value="value4">Value 4</option>

The possible combinations are:

value1-value3 value1-value4

value2-value3 value2-value4

The second select element remains empty until an option is picked from the first select element. Once selected, the second select element becomes active and displays the corresponding div for that particular value.

The divs would be:

<div id="value-1-3">value1-value3</div>
<div id="value-1-4">value1-value4</div>

<div id="value-2-3">value2-value3</div>
<div id="value-2-4">value2-value4</div>

Would appreciate any assistance you could provide in accomplishing this task.

Answer №1

If you want to add some unique identifiers to your dropdowns, you can assign IDs like sel1 and sel2. Make sure to simplify the value in the option tags to just numbers to avoid extra processing:

$("#sel1").change(function() {
    $("#sel2").prop("disabled", false); //Enable the second dropdown
    $("#sel2").change(); //Trigger a change event on the second dropdown

$("#sel2").change(function() {
    //Get values of both dropdowns
    var sel1Value = $("#sel1").val();
    var sel2Value = this.value;

    //Combine selectors and display the result
    $("div").hide(); //Hide previously shown elements
    $("#value-" + sel1Value + "-" + sel2Value).show();

Check out the demo here:

Answer №2

Give it a shot

let $divElements = $('div[id^="value-"]').hide();

let $selector1 = $('#sel1').one('change', function(){
    $selector2.prop('disabled', false);
let $selector2 = $('#sel2');

    let parameter1 = $selector1.val().replace(/\D+/, '');
    let parameter2 = $selector2.val().replace(/\D+/, '');
    $('#value-' + parameter1 + '-' + parameter2).show();

Check out the live demonstration here: Fiddle

Answer №3

My suggestion is to use the following code for a more precise selector:

// Adding an event handler for when a select element changes
    // Creating the id of the relevant element to show 
    var selectedValues = $('select option:selected').map(function(){
        return this.value.replace(/\D+/g,'');
    // Showing the relevant element and hiding its siblings
    $('#' + 'value-' + selectedValues).show().siblings().not('select').hide();

Check out the JS Fiddle demo here.

The code does not toggle the display of the second select element intentionally, as the first select will always have a selected option. References to jQuery methods used can be found below.


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