Color remains unchanged for selected value in dropdown menu

I'm facing a challenge in changing the color of the selected value in the dropdown menu. Each value has a different color, but when I select one, it reverts back to black.

.appt-status select option[value="0"] {
    color: #3EA47B;

.appt-status option[value="1"] {
    color: #3EA47B

.appt-status option[value="2"] {
    color: #FF0000;

.appt-status option[value="3"] {
    color: #FFA927;
  <select class="form-control appt-status" data-bind="value: confirmationStatus, event:{ change: $parent.statusChanged}" >
                <option data-icon="" class="status-list" value="1" > Confirmed</option>
                <option class="status-list" value="2" >Reschedule</option>
                <option class="status-list" value="3" >Pending</option>
                <option class="status-list" value="0" >Not opted-in</option>

Answer №1

Check out this implemented example

const picker = document.querySelector("select");
const choices = Array.from(picker.children);

// Ensure consistent color display even on reload
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  choices.forEach((choice) => {
    if (choice.selected) { = getComputedStyle(choice).color

picker.addEventListener("change", (event) => {
  choices.forEach((choice) => {
    if (choice.selected) { = getComputedStyle(choice).color
@import "";
body {
  height: 100%;
  display: grid;
  place-items: center;

.option-status option[value="0"] {
  color: #3ea47b;

.option-status option[value="1"] {
  color: #3ea47b;

.option-status option[value="2"] {
  color: #ff0000;

.option-status option[value="3"] {
  color: #ffa927;
<select class="form-control option-status" data-bind="value: confirmationStatus, event:{ change: $parent.statusChanged}">
  <option data-icon="" class="status-list" value="1"> Confirmed</option>
  <option class="status-list" value="2">Reschedule</option>
  <option class="status-list" value="3">Pending</option>
  <option class="status-list" value="0">Not opted-in</option>

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