CLS notifies about an Unrecognized CSS Element in Page Insights' Core Web Performance

My experience with Google PageSpeed Insights has been quite frustrating due to the numerous alerts I'm receiving about Unsupported CSS Properties.

The importance of avoiding non-composited animations: Animations that are not composited can appear glitchy and contribute to Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

List of unsupported CSS properties includes: font-weight, color, margin-right, font-size, background-position-y, background-position-x, margin-bottom, and many more...

To see a visual representation of these alerts, check out this screenshot: Screenshot of the Alerts

Answer №1

In case you've been searching for a solution like me, here's a helpful starting point:

You might want to check out this article on Non-Composited Animations:

Non-composited animations refer to animations that trigger early steps in the rendering pipeline (Style, Layout, or Paint). They are generally less efficient because they require the browser to do more work.

This resource is from and should remain accessible for the foreseeable future. It also includes additional links that could assist you in finding a solution:

All links lead back to

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