Adjust the class attribute in real-time

My image doesn't appear in the correct position when I dynamically set it using the margin-top.

Below is an image with a red arrow pointing to the right, which is what I want:

The CSS I have is as follows:

.file_arrow_right {
        background: url('../images/right_icon.png') no-repeat;
        cursor: pointer;
        width: 35px;
        height: 22px;
        background-size: 18px;
        background-position: 0px;
        margin-top: -500px;

I only want to change the margin-top of the above CSS dynamically based on certain image height, so I used the following code:

function ($scope, $q, $sce, $rootScope, $filter, $compile, $timeout, $state, 
$modalInstance, commFile, blobUrl) {    
    var myBase64 = "data:"+commFile.fileType+";base64,"+commFile.image+"";
    //jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .png, .txt
    if(commFile.fileType.split("/")[1] == "jpeg" || 
     commFile.fileType.split("/")[1] == "jpg" ||  
     commFile.fileType.split("/")[1] == "bmp" || 
     commFile.fileType.split("/")[1] == "png") {
        $scope.imgBlob = myBase64;

        var img = new Image();
        img.src = myBase64;
            var width=img.width;
            var height=img.height;
            console.log("width: "+width);
            console.log("height: "+height);
            // should change dynamically
            $scope.arrowMarginTop = "margin-top: "+height/2+"px";

This is the HTML:

       <script type="text/ng-template" id="filePreviewSectionCtrl.html">
        <div id="dynamicFile" style="width:100%; height:100%;">
            <div class= "file_arrow_right" ng-class="arrowMarginTop">


Following @Temani's suggestion that span elements are inline and won't be affected by margin-top, I changed the span to a div. Then, I used @Satpal's answer to dynamically change the CSS.

Answer №1

If you are defining the CSS rule within the scope variable arrowMarginTop, it is important to utilize the ngStyle directive rather than ngClass

<span class= "file_arrow_right" ng-style="arrowMarginTop">

Make sure to structure it as an object like this:

$scope.arrowMarginTop = { "margin-top" : height/2 + "px" };

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