Clickable table cell with interactive space extending below the text

This adaptation was inspired by the response of James Donnelly to a query about how to create a clickable link in a TD element. While his solution is effective in many cases, I encountered a scenario where it falls short.

To illustrate this issue, here is the JSFiddle example.

In my modification, I included the addition of vertical-align to a td and an abundance of text within Parent1.

table.coolTable td {

The concern arises when the empty space beneath Parent2 is rendered unclickable. How can I make that section also clickable without resorting to specifying fixed unit heights which could limit the flexibility of the table?

Your insights and suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To make it more user-friendly, one simple solution is to include onclick event listeners and apply a cursor: pointer; style to the td elements.

<td onClick="window.location.href='#child'">

table.customTable td {
  cursor: pointer;

Check out the updated JSFiddle here!

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