Using JavaScript to dynamically alter the background image of an HTML document from a selection of filenames

Just starting out with JavaScript and working on a simple project. My goal is to have the background image of an HTML document change to a random picture from a directory named 'Background' every time the page is opened.

function main()
    // Creates a list of filenames from the 'Background/' dir and gets a 
    // random index in the list
    var fs = require('fs');
    var fileList = fs.readdirSync('/Background/');
    var len = fileList.length;
    var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * len);

    var filePath = "Background/" + fileList[index]; = "url(filePath)"; = "cover"


However, I'm running into issues as the code doesn't seem to work as intended. I suspect my misunderstanding lies within how the URL class functions. When I manually specify a specific image path like this: = "url('Background/green.jpg')";

The background image changes successfully, but it's not working with randomly retrieving filenames. It seems to be a language-related error that I can't quite wrap my head around. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Answer №1

When working with the browser, using fs is not allowed in this manner. Instead, you should store paths to images. These paths can be stored in a database or an array within your javascript file. Here's an example of storing filenames in an array:

function main()
    var images = ['image1.jpeg', 'image2.jpg', 'bg.png'] //storing only names
    var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length)
    var filePath = "Background/" + images[index]; //creating full path = 'url("'+filePath+'")'
    // if background-size is not changing, it's better to store it in .css file


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