Click on a specific option within a disabled Twitter Bootstrap table to change its style

I'm currently working on a page that features a Bootstrap 3 table. This table includes multiple links and I want to disable these links when a certain option is selected.

Although I have successfully implemented the link disabling functionality, I now need to style it in such a way that the end user can visually see that the table has been disabled.

This is the code I am using:

 <table class="table table-hover table-striped hidden-xs" id="clientListTable">
                <a href="<%=Html.GenerateLoopBackUrl(true, new { ClientList_SortOn = cell.SortOn, ClientList_SortDirection = sortDirection })%>"><%=cell.Value%></a>
                <%if (showFilterOption)
                    { %> 
                        <a href="#" id="<%:cell.ColumnIdentifier%>_link" class="noPdf">
                            <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-filter" id="<%:cell.ColumnIdentifier%>_img"></span>
                foreach (var cell in row.Cells)
                    if (cell.Hidden) { }
                    else {%><td onclick="return clickDisableFunction();"><%=cell.Value%></td><%}

Here is my JavaScript code:

 var clickedOnce = false;

function clickDisableFunction()
   if (clickedOnce == true)
       return false;
   clickedOnce = true;

While this setup functions correctly, users may not be aware that all other links are disabled when they click one. I would like to make the table fade out (turn a light grey) when a link is clicked.

Below is a screenshot of the table in question.

The only thing left to do is add a fading effect to the table when a link is clicked.

Answer №1

Opted to utilize the modal as a viable solution and it is functioning effectively

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