Trying to conceal the scrollbar on MS Edge and Firefox?

Currently, I am working on a scrollable menu that requires the scrollbar to be hidden. In Chrome, I have achieved this by using the following code:

.menu::-webkit-scrollbar { 
    display: none; 

I would like to know if there is an equivalent solution for Firefox and MS Edge that will produce the same result.

Any guidance or advice is greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Have you considered using overflow-y: auto? This property will display the scrollbar only when the menu exceeds the viewport size.

Answer №2

To conceal scrollbars, the common method is to use overflow: hidden;. Despite this, users can still navigate by using a mouse's scroll-wheel or trackpad gesture, or adjust the element's scroll properties through JavaScript.

Answer №3

While browsing your site, I noticed that by accessing IE's F12 developer tools and adjusting the <div class="menu..."> element to change from overflow-y: scroll; to overflow-y: none;, it displays correctly.

No webkit-specific rules are necessary for this particular situation.

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