Chrome is not storing the CSS file in its cache memory. However, it is successfully caching .js and .png

I have noticed that the CSS file is not being cached in the Chrome browser. My application is created using Angular-CLI and all the necessary cache-control headers are set, with an Expires header of 5 minutes:

Date:Wed, 13 Sep 2017 05:11:17 GMT
Expires:Wed, 13 Sep 2017 05:21:18 GMT
Last-Modified:Wed, 13 Sep 2017 05:03:04 GMT

Interestingly, JS files with the same response headers are being successfully cached. The CSS file is also cached in Firefox Mozilla. I have researched some posts and come across a few suggestions:

  1. Chrome may not cache resources with self-signed certificates or over HTTPS if there is an SSL error. However, for me, other files like .js and .png are on the same channel and are being cached.

  2. Could the Transfer-Encoding: chunked be causing issues with caching on Chrome, even though it works fine in FireFox?

  3. There have been mentions that gzip compression does not work well with Chrome:

Any suggestions or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

It appears that Chrome doesn't cache the resource file when it contains the Transfer-Encoding: chunked response header. This header seems to be automatically set by the http server based on certain configurations, possibly related to the file size.

Unfortunately, not having control over the server settings, I opted to manually set the response header to Transfer-Encoding: identity. By doing this, the http server no longer alters the headers and includes the Content-Length header as well. Having the Content-Length header present in the response gives Chrome the information it needs to properly cache the resource file.

Answer №2

Encountering a similar problem with one website, while another website hosting the same web application on the identical IIS server is caching everything successfully. Attempting to recycle the application pool proved ineffective.

It was only after restarting IIS that both websites started caching CSS and JS files in Chrome. It's a puzzling issue, but worth experimenting with for yourself.

Answer №3

It might not be the exact situation you're facing, but I encountered a similar issue that resolved once I switched to the correct SSL certificate for my domain.

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