Chrome Bug with Fixed Position Background

Just finished creating a website that features fixed images as backgrounds with text scrolling on top of them. I've noticed an issue when using Chrome - the scrolling stops briefly between backgrounds, pauses for about a second, and then resumes. I'm not sure how to resolve this issue, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

If you'd like to take a look at the site, here's the link:

Answer №1

I think the reason for the delay is that the next background image is not loaded and displayed until it comes into view. Because your images are of high quality, this delay is more noticeable.

(You may notice this delay only once between two background images when you initially scroll down.)

You can try reducing the size of the images or preloading them using CSS or JavaScript.

To preload using JavaScript

  bg1 = new Image();
  bg2 = new Image();
  bg3 = new Image();
  bg1.src="url here";
  bg2.src="url here";
  bg3.src="url here";

To preload using CSS only

    position:absolute; z-index:-1;
    content: url(bg1.png) url(bg2.png) url(bg3.png);

Answer №2

Having encountered the same problem when using Chrome, I wonder if it could be due to content being loaded as you scroll (potentially utilizing a lazy loading technique with a twist)?

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