Choose a sibling element using CSS styling

As I'm developing an AngularJS component, I am on the quest to identify ANY sibling of a particular tag, irrespective of whether they are div, span, or p. I'm hoping for a CSS-native solution that resembles something along the lines of div:siblings {color: red;}, yet my search has been fruitless so far. Are you aware of its existence?

Answer №1

When working with CSS sibling selectors ~ and +, it's important to note that they only target siblings that come after a specific element, not the ones preceding it.

However, there is a workaround you can implement by combining different CSS rules:

.container>* {
  font-weight: bold;
.special {
  color: blue;
<div class="container">
  <p>Text Text</p>
  <div>Text Text</div>
  <p>Text Text</p>
  <p>Text Text</p>
  <p class="special">This one stands out from the rest</p>
  <p>Text Text</p>
  <span>Text Text</span>

The first rule targets all immediate children of the container and changes their font weight, while the second rule specifically selects the sibling with the class "special" and sets its text color to blue, effectively resetting any previous styles. This technique can be adapted for other styling needs as well.

Answer №2

Consider utilizing the sibling combinator in your CSS code ~ * {
   color: blue;
<p>First section</p>
<p class="target">Second section</p>
<p>Third section</p>
<p>Fourth section</p>

To apply a style to all siblings, target the first occurrence of the element as illustrated above.

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