IE8 not displaying background-image in Zen Subtheme of Drupal 7

I've been struggling to get my website to display properly across all browsers. Everything looks great except for IE8 and below. I'm not sure if it's a problem with Drupal, Zen, IE, or CSS (although the CSS code seems correct). Here is the CSS snippet in question:

header.header {
background-image: url('/sites/all/themes/kln_theme/css/images/mocha.png');
background-repeat: repeat-xy;

Answer №1

There have been instances where I faced a similar issue.

The solution that worked for me was to open the image in Photoshop (or a comparable program) and switch the color mode from CMYK to RGB, if applicable. It seems that Internet Explorer has difficulties displaying CMYK images.

Answer №2

Appreciate the help, it turns out my problem was stemming from a faulty IE8 emulation on my end. Surprisingly, the issue works perfectly in IE8.

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