Creating sibling classes with tailwind using the map function

Currently, I am combining tailwind, react, and nextjs to develop a website. My goal is to implement the check radio button technique to dynamically display different content on the website without relying on JavaScript. To streamline data management, I am considering using an array of objects like [{name: string, content: string}, ...]. The specific section of tailwind documentation that guided me through this process can be found here: differentiating peers

I am thinking about replacing the




since it is enclosed within the => { ... }) loop.

The following code snippet successfully accomplishes the task because:

If I directly use the compiled pure HTML code generated by nextjs in the client-side browser, the sibling elements interact seamlessly.

However, if I allow nextjs to compile and deliver the HTML code to the client browser, it fails to respond when a radio button is clicked!

Below is an example of my code including relevant data:

export default function page() {
    const jobs = [
            name: "walker",
            id: "wlk",
            conditions: "20 an hour",
            content: "walk and walk"
            name: "sitter",
            id: "sit",
            conditions: "20 an hour",
            content: "sit and sit"

    return (
        <section id="careerHome">
            <div className="container grid md:grid-cols-2">
                { => {
                    return (
                            className="shadow-lg p-10 text-center capitalize flex-1 mt-6 rounded-md flex flex-col relative"
                            <input id={} className={`peer/${}`} type="radio" name={} />
                            <b className="text-start">Learn More</b>
                            <div className="h-4"></div>
                            <input id={`${}Close`} className={`peer/${}Close`} type="radio" name={} />
                            <b className="text-start">Close</b>
                            <div className={`hidden peer-checked/${}:block absolute top-20 right-[10%]`}>
                            <div className={`hidden peer-checked/${}:block`}>

Each block should consist of two buttons - one for opening and one for closing the block.

Is there a way to utilize generative functions to assign tailwind classes?

If you have suggestions on better practices or recommendations, please feel free to share your insights!

Answer №1

According to the guidelines:

An important factor in how Tailwind recognizes class names is that it only identifies classes that appear as complete and unbroken strings in your source files.

If you use string interpolation or combine partial class names together, Tailwind will not detect them and therefore will not create the corresponding CSS:

Avoid constructing dynamic class names

<div class="text-{{ error ? 'red' : 'green' }}-600"></div>

In the given example, the strings text-red-600 and text-green-600 are not recognized, so Tailwind will not generate those classes. Instead, ensure that all class names used are complete:

Always include full class names

<div class="{{ error ? 'text-red-600' : 'text-green-600' }}"></div>

Considering that the peer element and its related entities are enclosed within individual parent <div> elements, and only one peer is being utilized (as peer/${}Close remains unused), there is no necessity for labeled peers:

function Page() {
  const jobs = [
      name: 'walker',
      id: 'wlk',
      conditions: '20 an hour',
      content: 'walk and walk',
      name: 'sitter',
      id: 'sit',
      conditions: '20 an hour',
      content: 'sit and sit',

  return (
    <section id="careerHome">
      <div className="container grid md:grid-cols-2">
        { => {
          return (
              className="shadow-lg p-10 text-center capitalize flex-1 mt-6 rounded-md flex flex-col relative"
              <b className="text-start">Learn More</b>
              <div className="h-4"></div>
              <input id={`${}Close`} type="radio" name={} />
              <b className="text-start">Close</b>
              <div className="hidden peer-checked:block absolute top-20 right-[10%]">
              <div className="hidden peer-checked:block">

<script src="" integrity="sha512-QVs8Lo43F9lSuBykadDb0oSXDL/BbZ588urWVCRwSIoewQv/Ewg1f84mK3U790bZ0FfhFa1YSQUmIhG+pIRKeg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-6a1107rTlA4gYpgHAqbwLAtxmWipBdJFcq8y5S/aTge3Bp+VAklABm2LO+Kg51vOWR9JMZq1Ovjl5tpluNpTeQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="app"></div>

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