Checking the compatibility of a high resolution laptop on a low resolution laptop

Current Dilemma:

Currently working on making a website adaptive for my job. I have successfully adjusted the media queries and CSS for my 2012 non-retina MacBook Pro and iPhone retina screens. However, when I tested the site on a MacBook Pro with retina display at Best Buy, it was pulling in the CSS meant for the iPhone retina screen. The media query I am using to target iPhones is:

only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5) and (orientation:portrait),
only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5) and (orientation:portrait) {}

I have found solutions for testing high-resolution sites on low-resolution screens, but they only involve doubling the resolution without considering the media queries.

1) Am I using the correct media query for my goal? 2) (more importantly) Is there a way for me to preview how my site appears on hi-res laptops?

(I am limiting my testing to iPhone screens at the moment due to lack of different devices and confidentiality agreements preventing me from posting the site publicly. Please let me know if there are other key code segments needed for a thorough answer)

Thank you!

Answer №1

The media queries appear to be in good shape. To test them out:

  • If you're using Firefox: Navigate to Tools -> Web Developer -> Responsive Design. This will place a wrapper around your webpage, allowing you to choose resolutions up to 1920px wide.
  • In Chrome: Head to Tools -> Developer Console. Open the developer settings (located in the lower right corner as a gear icon). Then click on the "Overrides" section. Tick the "Device Metrics" box and input the desired screen size for testing.
  • For IE9 and above, visit the F12 developer tools and access the "Tools" menu. From there, you can adjust the device resolution settings.

By modifying these settings, you will refresh the page and activate your media queries if they are set up correctly.

Answer №2

If you're looking to enhance your browsing experience on Chrome, you should check out these handy addons: Dimensions or Troy

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