Changing the text color using jQuery is proving to be difficult for me

I've been trying to apply a styling condition using an if statement in my jQuery code based on the result from an API, but for some reason, I'm not seeing the color change. I have given an ID to try and change the color through CSS.

$.getJSON(API2, function (result) {

  for (i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
    var tabledata = `
          <th scope="row">`+ result[i].Season + `</th>
          <td><p class="td-item">`+ result[i].DateTime + `</p></td>
          <td><p class="td-item">`+ result[i].Name + `</td>
          <td><p class="td-item" class="stat">`+ result[i].Status + `</p></td>


    var stat = result[i].Status;

  if (stat == "final") {
    $(".td-stat").attr('id', 'td-stat');

Answer №1

Take a look at this scenario.

$.getJSON(API2, function(result) {
  $.each(result, function(i, r) {
    var row = $("<tr>").appendTo($(".event tbody"));
    $("<th>", {
      scope: "row"
    $("<td>").html($("<p>", {
      class: "td-item"
    $("<td>").html($("<p>", {
      class: "td-item"
    $("<td>").html($("<p>", {
      class: "td-item stat " + (r.Status == "final" ? "final" : "")

This piece of code generates a tbody element and fills it with rows based on the data in result.

Answer №2

To properly manipulate elements on a webpage, it is important to assign them an ID or retrieve them as an array and then loop through them. For changing the color of an element, you can achieve this using the following code snippet:

$("#yourElementId").css('color', 'blue');

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