Changing the src attribute of an <img> tag using Jquery seems to be unresponsive

Hey everyone, I created a simple slider using JqueryUI. When the value falls within a certain range, I generate an Image URL and then attempt to change the src attribute.

I am attempting to modify four images.

You can view the jsFiddle here.

I believe the code is correct, but it doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas why?

Answer №1

Make this change:

$("#" + postRetrmntImage).attr('src', ImageName );


$("#postRetrmntImage").attr('src', ImageName );

The issue arises from not having any postRetrmntImage variable declared.

Check out the updated jsFiddle demo

Answer №2


Explanation: Remember to utilize this line of code:

$("#" + sliderId).prop('src', ImageName );
within your function as you are passing the id as sliderId.

Furthermore, consider using .prop for better practice – learn more here: .prop() vs .attr()

Take a look at the demo to understand how it operates,

Hope this explanation is beneficial :)

full code

 $(document).ready(function () {
            makeSingleSliderWithImage('postRetrmntMnthlyPaymt', 0, 10000, 0, 500);
        function makeSingleSliderWithImage(sliderId, minimum, maximum, val, steps) {

            //Display label should have an X appended
            $('#' + sliderId).slider(
                    //range: 'min',
                    min: minimum,
                    max: maximum,
                    step: steps,
                    //starting values for sliders
                    value: val,
                    slide: function (event, ui) {
                        //var ImageURL = "Images/";
                        //var ImageName = "";
                        //var ext = ".jpg";

                        if ((ui.value >= 0) && (ui.value <= 2000)) //Basic: 0-2000
                            ImageName = "";
                        else if ((ui.value >= 2500) && (ui.value <= 4500)) //Moderate: 2500-4500
                            ImageName = "";
                        else if ((ui.value >= 5000) && (ui.value <= 7000)) //Comfortable: 5000-7000
                            ImageName = "";
                        else if ((ui.value >= 7500) && (ui.value <= 10000)) //Luxury:7500-10,000
                            ImageName = "Luxury";
                        //var fullURL = ImageURL + ImageName + ext;
                        //change Image URL
                        $("#" + sliderId).prop('src', ImageName); //{ src: fullURL });

                        alert($("#" + sliderId).prop('src'));
                        //change Slider Value
                        $("#" + sliderId + "X").text(ui.value);

Answer №3

Here's a helpful tip to consider:

 Try using the following code snippet:

$("#" + updateProfilePic.toString()).attr('src', newImage );

Answer №4

Revise the line...

$("#" + postRetrmntImage).attr('src', ImageName );

with this updated code...

$("#postRetrmntImage").attr('src', ImageName );

Answer №5

Set a value for postRetrmntImage and then use prop instead of attr. Check out the difference between using prop.

var postRetrmntImage="postRetrmntImage";
$("#" + postRetrmntImage).prop('src', ImageName );

Answer №6

Give this a shot

$("#updateProfilePic").attr('src', 'profilepic.jpg');

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