What is the meaning of this CSS acronym?

/*applying various styles here*/

I stumbled upon the snippet of code shown above on a website discussing CSS image galleries. Can anyone clarify what this code accomplishes? Appreciate it.

Answer №1

This is a demonstration of combining an attribute selector with the use of a :target pseudo class.

The purpose of this code snippet is to apply specified styles to any element that has a certain attribute value and is the target of a hyperlink anchor.

In particular, it targets all div elements with an id attribute starting with ('^=') the text 'image', and applies the defined style when these elements are clicked from an anchor link.

Attribute selectors

According to MDN (where 'attr' represents the attribute used in selection):

[attr] Selects an element with the specified attribute name.

[attr=value] Selects an element with the given attribute name/value combination.

[attr~=value] Targets an element with an attribute containing a list of whitespace-separated words, one of which matches "value".

[attr|=value] Matches an element with an attribute starting exactly with "value" or "value-" for language subcodes.

[attr^=value] Selects elements with an attribute beginning with "value".

[attr$=value] Chooses elements with an attribute ending in "value".

[attr*=value] Finds elements with an attribute containing "value" as a substring.

The various operators allow for precise identification of attribute values using attribute selectors.

The :target pseudo-class

The :target pseudo-class selects the unique element with an id matching the URI fragment identifier of the document.


div[id^=image]:target {
<div id='image'>this</div>
<div id='notimage'>not this</div>
<a href='#image'>click me!</a>

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