Changing the primary color dynamically in Ionic 5

In my Ionic Angular app, I am exploring ways to dynamically change the color scheme based on user interactions. With a large number of components needing to be responsive to these color changes, I am seeking a method where elements can reference a color variable (such as --primary) and update globally when that color is changed in one place.

While I have not come across any documentation in Ionic discussing runtime CSS variable modifications, I have considered switching between variables at runtime as an alternative solution.

One approach I've pondered involves defining multiple color options in variables.scss and utilizing ngClass to apply a universal class that can adapt to color changes. However, this method would require individually declaring attributes for each potential color variation needed. For instance, using [ngClass]="primary-1" may entail creating a specific class like:

.primary-1 {
background: var(--ion-color-primary-1);

If an element requires a different attribute like background-color, a distinct class must also be defined:

.primary-1-other {
background-color: var(--ion-color-primary-1) 

The challenge lies in avoiding dependency of global class definitions on specific element attributes, unless there exists a streamlined and inclusive solution.

I have also explored the use of setProperty, although it appears to solely impact styles within a designated context rather than throughout the entire app.

Any insights or suggestions are welcomed!

Answer №1

I found success with this solution:

const bodyEl = document.querySelector('body');'--main-color', '#ff0000');

Appreciate the tip from @HTMLExpert.

Answer №2

If you're looking to tweak Ionic's Global CSS Variables, you've come to the right place. These variables can be easily modified at runtime, unlike in the past when changes could only be made during compilation. Fortunately, there are now methods available to adjust them on the fly.

For a detailed explanation on how to do this, check out:

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