Changing the Appearance of the RStudio Editor

I am exploring options to customize an RStudio Editor Theme to personalize the colors. My current setup includes RStudio version 0.99.473 on Windows 10.

After reviewing Any way to change colors in Rstudio to something other than default options?, which was very informative, and also Editing R Studio them in cashe.css theme file (ACE editor?), I am continuing my search for understanding the various .ace_ items within the RStudio Editor Theme CSS files (ACE editor code). These CSS files are located in /www/rstudio/ within the RStudio installation directory. An example of such a script can be found on GitHub for the Tomorrow theme.

Specifically, I am interested in learning how to differentiate between the color schemes used for variables (defined by me) and functions. For instance, in the code x <- rnorm(10,0,10), my goal is to have "x" and "rnorm" displayed in different colors. I am uncertain if this customization is feasible.

Answer №1

It's worth mentioning that in the latest versions of RStudio, there is a feature that allows users to distinguish function calls from variables by coloring them differently -- starting from RStudio v1.0.44.

  • This feature highlights R function calls

When this feature is activated, function calls will stand out with a different color (such as Tomorrow Night Bright):

We hope that customizable themes for users will be included in the next release of RStudio.

Answer №2

If you're looking to enhance the visibility of matched brackets in RStudio, there's a useful tutorial available. While it may not address your specific query about coloring variables, I personally tweaked the highlighting of brackets in my theme to make them more noticeable. Here's how:

First, choose a theme using this theme editor and save it as a .tmTheme file on your device. Import this theme into RStudio, which will automatically generate an accompanying .rstheme file. Locate the generated rstheme file within the directory:

(for Windows users). Open this file with Notepad++ or another text editor, then search for the .ace entry corresponding to the element you wish to modify (e.g., .ace_bracket based on the aforementioned RStudio tutorial). Typically, this entry contains an rgba value like:
background-color: rgba(238, 252, 81, 0.8);
The final numerical value denotes transparency, ranging from 0 to 1. I opted for bright yellow hues with these values to ensure clear visibility.

Answer №3

If you're interested in customizing the RStudio theme, I recommend checking out this link for some options:
Discover a variety of customization possibilities on this website:

Learn how to personalize your theme and make it your own.

After customizing your theme, remember to download it. You can then easily add the new theme by selecting the "add" option within the theme settings of your RStudio.

I hope you find this information useful.
Enjoy enhancing your coding experience! :)

Answer №4

During the year 2022, I came across the theme files located at:

C:\Users\<my user>\AppData\Roaming\RStudio\themes

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