Automatically adjust padding in nested lists with ReactJS and MaterialUI v1

How can I automatically add padding to nested lists that may vary in depth due to recursion?

Currently, my output looks like this:

However, I would like it to look like this instead:

When I apply nested styles, they remain consistent across all levels. I need the padding to increment with each subsequent level. Can anyone offer assistance? (All feedback is appreciated!)

The provided code snippet includes functions for rendering a tree structure using React and Material-UI components.

Answer №1

It's surprisingly easy to solve this issue. Just make a simple adjustment in the following line:

<Collapse component="li" in={true} timeout="auto" unmountOnExit>

Replace it with the following line:

<Collapse component="li" in={true} timeout="auto" unmountOnExit style={{paddingLeft: '16px'}}>

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