Changing from a vertical to horizontal menu as the parent div is resized

I am looking for a solution to create a CSS effect or Javascript code that will hide a menu inside a div when the browser window or parent div is resized. I want to display another div with the same menu in horizontal orientation when the first one is hidden.

<div id="show-on-100px-resize">[menu item1 item2 item 3 item4]</div>

<div id="show-on-over-100px">>

Hopefully, this explanation is clear enough. Thank you for your responses!

Answer №1

As mentioned by newtron, the best way to achieve this is through the use of media queries. With media queries, you can adjust the display of content based on the size of the window. Take a look at this functional demonstration

The sample HTML code is as follows:

    <li>menu A</li>
    <li>menu B</li>
    <li>menu C</li>
    <li>menu D</li>

    Window width is lower than 500px!

Here is the corresponding CSS code:

li {
    border: solid black 1px;
    width: 100px;
    display: inline-block;

div {
    display: none;

@media (max-width: 500px) {
    li {
        display: block;
    div {
        display: block;

It's worth noting that media queries may not be fully supported in Internet Explorer. In such cases, you can utilize the Respond.js JavaScript library

Answer №2

Utilizing Media Queries allows you to create distinct CSS styles based on the size of the browser window.

Answer №3

To achieve this effect, you can utilize the resize function:

  if (window.innerWidth < 100){
  } else {

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