Change the value of a cell in a table dynamically with the use of Angular

I am currently developing a web application using Angular 6. Within the HTML template, I have included some code that showcases a specific part of an array within a table cell. It's worth noting that the table is constructed using div elements.

<div class='table_small'>
        <div class='table_cell'>Status</div>
        <div class='table_cell'>
          <p class="status" >{{incomingData.status}}</p>

One specific scenario that I am trying to address involves including a button within each table row that allows users to cancel a particular order. When the user clicks on this button, a pop-up or modal will prompt them for confirmation. If they select 'Yes', the status field value will temporarily change to "cancellation is in process" before being sent to the service. Once a successful response is received, the status will be updated to "cancelled".

I'm uncertain about the best way to implement this cancellation feature within the table cell. Any guidance or insights on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Answer №1

If you pass the element to a function and update its status, here's how it can be done:

<div class='table_small'>
    <div class='table_cell'>Status</div>
    <div class='table_cell'>
      <p class="status" >{{incomingData.status}}</p>
    <div class='table_cell'>
      <button (click)="showCancelModal(incomingData)"> Cancel</p>

To implement this in the component, consider following this structure:

showCancelModal(incomingData) {
  // logic for displaying modal and obtaining user response
  if(response === 'yes') {
    incomingData.status = 'Cancellation in progress';
    .pipe( finally(() => incomingData.status = 'Cancelled') )

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